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apri birth control reviews

Apri Birth Control Review - PlushCare
Apri Birth Control Review - PlushCare
User reviews of Apri State Avg. Rating Reviews Compare Birth control 5.4 Reviews can be moderated or edited before publication to correct grammar and spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a special interest in the medication will not be published. Since examinations and qualifications are subjective and self-reported, this information should not be used as a basis for any statistical analysis or scientific studies. Comments for Apri For birth control: "After years of suffering with PCOS symptoms – Apri has saved me! He's eliminated most of my acne. The first month was hard, but I knew what was out of the bankruptcy that my hormones were, I was going to have side effects adjusting, so I broke up and now I'm in the last week of my third package! The first month I had the worst morning disease, I didn't know how I was going to handle it. Every month so far I have vomited at least once in the first week.. I find the more often I feel the disease. I've won about 15 pounds. My appetite has begun to calm down this month. I went from a cup to a cup of C so far so I stopped wearing a bra. Some nights the pain is so bad I have to massage my breasts. I can't find that it's heavy in the water. I've experienced some headaches but I'm trying to sleep them. My periods are already lighter, but they still fit in general. The best of all this is my depression " mood changes have exhausted. I'll meet my Dr to renew my recipe! For birth control:9 For Birth Control: "I have been in birth control for 11 years. For eight years I was in Loestein 24 Fe and I had no problems. I had to change to Apri because I changed my insurance. At first I didn't notice a difference, but now I can say with confidence that I have the cramps and swelling of the worst period I've ever had. I'm afraid of having my period. I'm not saying this happens to everyone, but it's been miserable for me. " For birth control:2 For Birth Control: "I've been on the pill for about 3 months and I'm not having negative side effects. I realize I still have mood swings closer to the end of my package as if it were PMSing. But I feel normal that my anxiety is under control. My appetite grabbed but I'm on my way to make some better diet changes. Don't listen to all the bad reviews because I've tried numerous contraceptions that have made me feel crazy or pain to get worse. This has been a breeze. " For birth control:10 For Birth Control: "I took Apri for 5 years. The first 2yrs were large - light periods, cleaned skin etc. However, everything began to change slowly. 2018 I was constantly worried, feeling that the walls were falling on me. My anxiety went up every day. Fill a deep depression where I contemplated suicide. He started to have violent thoughts, wanting to hurt those around me. Physical changes - won 30 pounds in 2yrs, the skin began to get greasy. I would sleep 12+ hours " I still have no energy. Humor swings. Crying daily - unable to control my emotions. I decided enough. I stopped taking Apri immediately. Since then it has been 2 months - I no longer cry daily, the mood is significantly improved, the skin is less fat. My dream schedule is to learn how to regulate, I have more energy. Apri for the first 2yrs was great. However, somewhere on the road that changed. It's possible that at the time I was getting older, my inner body started to change and Apri didn't work for me anymore. " For birth control:2 For Birth Control: "I have been taking Apri for about 6 months. For about 4 of those months, I've seen a lot the week before my period, so I basically feel like I have my period for two weeks in a row. I asked my doctor about this and said it's normal because I started the pill recently. I feel like for 6 months this shouldn't be happening. Does this happen to someone else with this pill? " For birth control:4 For Birth Control: "I'm 22 years old and I was only in Apri for almost three months and I couldn't handle the effects it gave me. Before Apri I was in Tri-Sprintec for about five years and had a huge bleeding so my doctor prescribed this. I don't joke, just two days taking it I started having migraines and I feel in depression and I've never gotten migraines before. Since I was in the finals, I had to fight through the effects but it wasn't fun. Before I had my period, they would give me some strong cramps that felt like someone was stabbing me in my pelvic, having hot flashes, and wanting to sleep all day. Including this, my download started to be heavy as if I had to go to the bathroom to clean up there because I felt it leaked; it was not fun. This was my effect on this and I don't think everyone did it, so it was how my body handled it. Just take precautions and ask your doctor also if this formula is good for you. " For birth control:3 For Birth Control: "I started originally in Tri-Sprintec for about 3 months, which I think is the generic Ortho Tri-Cyclen. I was an emotional mess, so my doctor changed me to Apri. I had no symptoms. I actually lost weight! It didn't increase the size of my bra, which could have been the weight loss part. My acne cleared within 2 months of starting Apri. He made my period so regular that I knew until the day below until the time I would begin my period, without any stains in between periods. I didn't really notice any change in my sexual drive. In general, I would strongly recommend this pill!" For birth control:10 For Birth Control: "I have been in Apri for about 4 years. I've never had any serious reactions or symptoms. If you're looking at other people's stories about their struggle taking this pill please remember that they're all different! Symptoms vary! It's been a long time, but I think I've been a little nauseous for a few days when I started Apri, but since then there was no problem. " For birth control:10 For birth control: "I really like this Apri Brith control pill! I was very surprised to run through all these negative reviews. I understand that everyone has a different experience with Apri, and is affected to all differently. Personally, I haven't had any problems, although it's only been a few weeks since I was in it. If anything, my mood swings (since I was free of BC) have dropped DRASTICALLY. I feel much more relaxed and happy. No cramps, headaches, etc. but mild anxiety. I've noticed a little weight gain, but this is something that's not that big of a problem for me or harmful. Initially I was taking depo that made me bleed every straight day for 3 months (the same amount that I would normally do at the beginning of a period, except ALL DAY) and suffered from cramps from time to time and nausea. My doctor changed me to Apri and so far I don't have complaints. My skin has been consistently clear and I don't feel fatigued. " For birth control:9 For birth control: "I spent just over 1 year for a horrible medical event, one that almost claimed my life because of Apri. On December 9, 2017 I went to ER because I had what I thought was a severe migraine. They treated me and freed me. Just to get back on December 11 - they found blood clots in my brain so severe that I had to operate and finally saved my life. I spent two weeks in the hospital. I've been through a crazy amount of genetic testing and this whole point ALL my doctors blame my birth control. Surprisingly I don't have lasting side effects. Although they tell me I'm a weird case. You think the warnings can't happen to you until I do. I'm told there are birth controls that are "safe" but it's not worth my life. I just want to let people know that this CAN and DID happen. Talk to your doctor and do your homework before you accept what you give. " For birth control:1 For birth control: "Connect a month of Apri in preparation for the transfer of IVF frozen embryos and it has been horrible for my mood. Every night I took the pill at 9pm and within 1.5 to 2 hours my mood collapsed and stayed like this all the next day. I haven't been sleeping well, a lot of sleeping thinking. I took my last pill last night and I'm in a bad mood today. It's been more than a week since I've wanted to do nothing during the day and it's been in a bad mood almost without stopping. I feel depressed, I also had breast tenderness last week or two and wanting a lot of junk food. Honestly, the side effects of depression/meod were worse in my body than any of the hormones I was in during my 3 IVF cycles. It does not really recommend this medication and decorator to see many others talking about similar mood changes. " For birth control:2 For birth control: "This birth control pill is impressive. He made my periods even lighter than they were before, I don't have grains, I lost 15 pounds, my breasts passed from a B to a D, and emotionally I feel the same as I did before. I'd recommend it a lot. " For birth control:10 For Birth Control: "If you are prone to anxiety or depression please be very careful while taking this Apri birth control pill. The first two months I felt very nauseous and would have the worst cramps around my period not to mention that it made my flow heavier. I'd give myself horrible headaches the days before my periods too. I had anxiety before I started this pill, but when I started taking it, it was climbing very quickly. I've been taking this pill for a year and it took me so far to realize that I was getting lost. I felt completely out of control in my thoughts and was making my anxiety spiral. Now I'm out of it and I feel like me again. Be careful!" For birth control:3 For birth control: "After 10 months of weakening night sweats and sleep disturbances my doctor finally pointed it to Apri. Apparently this is a very common side effect that this medication. It also gave me a terrible anxiety. There are many other birth controls out there. Get away from this!" For birth control:1 For Birth Control: "They put me in Apri because I had horrible cramps and long heavy periods. I took it for about six months, and around the 5-month mark, my boyfriend and I broke up. He told me it was because he was "too emotional" and stressed it. I was right, before Apri I was always happy and relaxed, but on it. I'd sleep in bed at night and cry sometimes for no reason. I had constant tiredness, frequent headaches, mood movements, mood, and I felt depressed a long time. After a conversation with my boyfriend, I realized that we started discussing the moment I got to Apri. I went to my doctor and told him this and he told me this was because his high levels of progesterone. I've changed and I'm much better now without Apri. " For birth control:5 For Birth Control: "I was on this pill for almost 6 years and my life had appeared face down. I had no idea these pills led me to depression, anxiety, paranoia! My gin put me in this pill because of the amenorre, I started taking my period and an acne. Then I began to develop these negative thoughts and emotions that I could not control. I thought it was just my work and stress, but these pills started all this negativity by heading through my body. I feel like a dark hole in these pills. I decided to do some unwise things. I accumulated debt and did what I thought I had to do to overcome this depression. I thought of daily death. I had pressure on my chest, intense anxiety. These fucking pills ruined a part of my youth! They must be banned if possible! I've been out of them for about 5 months and I really feel peace and normal again. I'm sharing this story in the hope that no one has to endure. Avoid at all costs! For birth control:1 For birth control: "This pill makes my anxiety come out of control. I don't have panic attacks like me with other pills, but I worry about it without stopping. I worry about all my dogs to have a car accident. I'll stay awake at night worrying about one thing after another. I always feel a sense of condemnation. It also makes me feel very tired and almost high... it's hard to get out of bed in the morning. I haven't earned any weight, I've lost a couple pounds, but I've also changed my diet so I'm not sure if it was the pill or not. My breasts are always extremely pained. It cleared my skin apart from the occasional bait here and there. This is not the worst pill I've ever taken, but anyone with a predisposition to anxiety should watch it carefully. I get panic attacks on other pills and I feel almost at the edge of that with this one. " For birth control:5 For Birth Control: "I don't take any other medicine, just Apri. I don't take vitamins, nothing. Let me tell you what's changed. I've been in Apri for two months. I won 11 pounds the first month. Mostly my fault because I was anxious. I've broken so badly in my forehead and sometimes in my chin. I thought it was because of stress because I've recently had EXTREMA anxiety and depression. I've never been so stressed in my life and I couldn't find out why I was stressed. I'm not right to be. I'm terrified of going to work, I've lost so much work last month and a half because of anxiety. I'm awake all night stressing so I'm calling. Then I'm stressed out to call so I turned off and slept all day. I can't get out of bed, I'm so depressed and I have no reason to be. I started to investigate why I'd be depressed and I saw BC can cause it. So I'm definitely gonna stop this pill so I can get back to normal. " For birth control:3 For Birth Control: "They changed me to this Apri birth control pill after a radical bleeding with Sprintec. I was on this pill for about 3 months and I stopped the half package because I couldn't wait another week. The first month I was so hungry that the hunger pains would wake me up in the middle of the night and I would have to go eat. I'd also have terrible night sweats. I had anxiety before the pill, but I've been on a Russian mountain of anxiety the last week that started with a panic attack of hours. My blood pressure has also been very high lately. I'm not sure if that's tied to the pill, but I've been eating better and running, so you'd think it would go down? Everyone is different, but I would recommend keeping an eye out for problems! " For birth control:3 For birth control: "It was changed to this of the works to re-replace great for me. I think many of the reviews are from people who don't do well in a lower estrogen/progesterone pill higher. Ortho did what all Apri's negative criticisms said he did for them. You have to find what works for your body. Do not be afraid of the experiences of other peoples, everyone is different. This works well for my body, and is affordable. " For birth control:9 For Birth Control: "I have been taking Apri since November 2018. This is my first time I'm in birth control. During the first month, I was experiencing dizziness. I'm assuming I'd take the pill in the morning without anything in my stomach. When I changed my dose at night (I ate for that moment) the dizziness left. It's very effective. My only question is my weight. I've never had a problem losing weight, but I could gain weight quite quickly. It's like I couldn't lose weight. I've been Vegan for almost a month, and I don't have a pound. I think it's because of this birth control. Since then, I think it's because of that, I'm gonna stop this brand and method. I really wish I had no problem losing weight because it is very effective. " For Birth Control:7 For Birth Control: "I was changed from Loestrin 21 to Apri a few months ago because my periods were irregular and my doctor thought Apri would be better for me. I like there's placebo pills in Apri because it was horrible to take 21 packs of days. The first months of couple were a bit difficult to adjust to the highest dose of hormones. He was super emotional! But that's normal. I'm in the 5th month now and things are fine. I'm still a little emotional, but just "bringing something dumb" emotional. Nothing I can't handle. My periods are light and I have little pain. Near any acne. My boobs seemed to have grown a little, so that's great. My sexual drive seems to be a little lower, but I never had a crazy high sexual drive in the first place. My husband and I still have a healthy sex life. I could have won about 5 pounds or less but that could be because of my lazy ass and not birth control:) better than everything, I haven't been pregnant! I recommend Apri. Give him a chance and let him adjust to the hormones. " For birth control:8 For Birth Control: "I was in Apri for about 4.5 years and everything was fine. I had a little acne here and there but nothing bad at all. Then suddenly my tits began to hurt immensely for months and I had no sexual driving. I literally thought I was pregnant sometimes because of my symptoms. I have bitten Apri and now I have been in Giavani for a little more than a month and have not had significant symptoms but my sexual desire is definitely back and no more chest pain!! For birth control:8 For Birth Control: "I started about four months ago for migraines during my period and quite badly acne, especially until my period. My pharmacist said this is what she takes and she takes it continuously so I recommended doing it too. During the first three months it worked very far from my sexual desire falling to below zero. Not getting a period for the first time in almost 15 years was amazing. He helped me clean my acne. However, a month ago I started to notice, I had a couple of mild headaches. Google said this was normal so it didn't freak out. Last week I started bleeding a lot more and having the WORST cramps I've had. Make me double in the cramps of pain. Advil and Tylenol barely work. I came here looking to see if others have had this experience, but instead they found a ton of other symptoms that people are experiencing too. I'm afraid if I stop my migraines and acne they'll come back, but I don't know if I can handle this much longer. " For birth control:5 For Birth Control: "I have been in Apri's birth control for 3 years. I give you a 3 for the fact that it actually helped me get and regulate my period, at the very late age of 22. And I'm not pregnant. But now I have a worse acne than when I was 13. I've gained a lot of weight in my hips and stomach. I have the worst mood swings and my sexual drive is gone completely. It's caused a lot of trouble in my relationship since I started taking it. " For birth control:3 For Birth Control: "I just started this and right now I'm on the period pills. I feel awful and I've felt awful since the first pill. The leg nausea all the time to the point where I was awake once or twice a week about 4am vomiting (I tried to take about 12-2 with daily food to avoid this). Also uncomfortable experiment really bad swelling when I haven't even eaten much to be swollen. I haven't even been eating a lot of time because I'm nauseous all the time. Add mood swings, sadness, anxiety, and headaches to the mixture as well. I feel so horrible and not myself so I don't recommend this pill! I hope you get out of my system as soon as possible. " For birth control:1 For birth control: "I had normal, easy, regular periods before starting Apri. During the course of 2.5 years of taking it I have earned 50 pounds even with regular exercise and diet, although I have fought to win even 5 pounds before starting Apri. I didn't feel emotionally. Finally I had enough and decided to stop taking it and the weight never went, even with continuous diet and exercise. Most importantly: MY PERIODY never came back. I started to grow dark and thick hairs on my neck, chest and stomach that never left. " For birth control:1 For Birth Control: "I have to say the best birth control that I have ever been have high free testosterone and diagnosed with PCOs. You still have sex driving a thought that Apri even increased more. I don't have any acne so far either. I'm not in the mood or anything I've noticed, but I've been in it for 5 days so far. If I notice something different, I'll refuel. " 10Next This information is NOT intended to support any particular medication. While these tests may be useful, they are not a substitute for the experience, knowledge and judgment of health professionals. More about Apri (desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol) Consumer resources Professional resources Related treatment guides State of drugs Only required Rx CSA Table* It's not a controlled drug. N/A Loading..., , , , , , Drugs.com Mobile Apps The easiest way to find information about drugs, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal drug records. Available for Android and iOS devices. SupportAboutTerms " Privacy to Drug.com newsletters for latest drug news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Drug.com provides accurate and independent information about more than 24,000 prescription drugs, free-sale medicines and natural products. This material is provided only for educational purposes and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 3 Mar 2021), Cerner MultumTM (updated 1 Mar 2021), ASHP (updated 3 Mar 2021) and others. Ad options

Apri Contraceptives Table of ContentsWhat are the birth control pills? Apri is an oral birth control pill that women use to prevent pregnancy. Active hormones in Apri, desogestrel and estradiol ethinyl, an estrogen and progestin. Like other birth control pills in your class, Apri is effective by inhibiting ovulation. Apri also causes changes in the cervical mucus of a woman who makes it difficult for a sperm to enter the cervix. Changes in the lining of the uterus also allow for implantation. The apri may also be prescribed by your doctor to treat other conditions, including the treatment of ovarian cysts and acne. Important information about birth control pillsApri is for use as a birth control, and is not intended for use while pregnant or has recently given birth. Also, do not take Apri birth control pills if you experience any of the following:• Blood clots • Circulation problems • Diabetic problems with the eyes or kidneys • High blood pressure without treatment or control • Heart disease • Vaginal bleeding without treatment • Extreme migraines • jaundice related to birth control, heart union or stroke • Liver disease or cancer • Smoking and are more than 35 Smoking while taking Apri birth control pills can significantly increase your risk of blood clots, strokes, or heart attacks. If you are a smoker and have more than 35, do not take birth control pills. Birth control pills such as Apri do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases or infections, such as HIV and AIDS. The use of a condom is always recommended to protect against these diseases. Apri Dosage InformationApri is a daily dose oral contraceptive. For maximum efficiency, take Apri once every 24 hours at the same time. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended daily dose. To facilitate your use, start taking Apri birth control pills on Sunday. Apri birth control pills are available in pill formats 21 and 28. Apri 21 contains only 21 active pink pills, while Apri 28 contains 21 active pink pills and 7 white, placebo/inactive pills. Apri 21 users should take a pink pill per day for 21 consecutive days. Once you have completed the pills in the ampoule package, you will not have pills for 7 days. You should start a new package on the eight. Also, Apri 28 users will take a pink pill per day for 21 consecutive days. At the end of the 21-day period, take the white placebo pills until the package is empty. Once the package is finished, make sure to start a new Apri birth control pill package. What if you miss a dose? Your chances of pregnancy increase with every dose you forgot. If you miss an active pill, take it as soon as you remember it, then keep taking your next pill at the usual time. If you forget a dose you can take two active pills in one day. In the first two weeks of your cycle, if two active pills are missing, take two pills as soon as possible and two more the next day. After that you can resume your normal routine dose of a pill a day until the package is finished. If you miss two or more of three active pills followed the third week, you should keep taking a pill a day until Sunday, and then start a new package. If at any time in your cycle you are lost taking an active pill, be sure to use a back-up anti-hormonal birth control for at least seven days after the lost pills. It is possible to lose your period if you have lost more than two active pills in a month. If you lose more than two consecutive periods, you may be pregnant and consult your doctor. Apri Side Effects Side effects associated with Apri include, but are not limited to:Taking birth control pills Apri may increase the risk of the following: If you experience any of the above symptoms, Apri may not be the right birth control option for you. Get medical care as soon as possible. Health Benefits of Birth Control Pills While taking Apri increases your risk for certain health conditions, it may also be prescribed to help treat certain conditions, and has shown some positive benefits. Some of them include: Apri Reviews Apri's birth control pills keep a 3-star rating and users have given it a 5.7 out of 10. For the most part, Apri users found that the medication is effective, however they have experienced significant outbreaks of depression while taking Apri birth control pills. Using Apri as a birth control form might not be for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns about taking Apri, see your doctor about other birth control options. Subscribe You've subscribed successfully!

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